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"It is a rough road that leads to the heights of greatness." -- Seneca

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GMAT, KPDS, TOEFL Restatement Sample Test -1

Which sentence has almost the same meaning with that of the question?

1) Far more devastating for the author than the loss of his house to fire was the destruction of the sole copy of his latest novel.

A. In his latest book, the author tells of the pain he suffered when he lost his home in a devastating fire.
B. Even the destruction of his home in the fire was not as hard for the author to bear as the burning of the manuscript of his new novel.
C. The only thing the author was able to rescue from the flames which destroyed his home was the sole copy of his latest book.
D. Even more difficult for the author than writing a single book was seeing it destroyed when his house burnt down.
E. The author was devastated to find his house burnt down with everything in it, among which was the only manuscript of his latest novel.

2) Without his help, the job would have been impossible.

A. Even though he was very helpful, we were still unable to complete the project.
B. Since he wasn’t able to give us a hand, we didn't believe we would be able to finish the job.
C. There's no way the task could have been done if he had not provided assistance.
D. The assignment proved quite easy, even though he refused to give us aid.
E. Though it wasn't easy, we managed to accomplish our task without his assistance.

3) Having arrived at the church, Martin sat down at the front listening to the music.

A. After martin had arrived at the church, he heard a lovely music at the front.
B. After he had arrived at the church, Martin sat down at the front and listened to the music.
C. In order to sit down at the front and listen to the music he arrived at the church early.
D. At the church Martin wanted to listen to the music so he arrived at the church early.
E. Martin fount a seat at the front because he came to the church early.

4) Despite the difference in the political ideas, decisions were taken by consensus.

A. Although there were different political ideas, most of the members accepted the idea.
B. In spite of the different political ideas, they all used their votes.
C. They forced the politicians to take decisions together.
D. Although there were different political ideas, all of the members accepted the ideas.
E. Since there were different ideas, they couldn’t find the solution.

5) Problems never seem quite so bad if we can see the funny sides of them.

A. You can solve your problems even if they seem so bed.
B. Although the problems which you face are so bed you can see the funny sides of them.
C. If we can find something funny with our problems they never seem so bad.
D. When we confront with problems we must laugh at them.
E. It is very important to look into the problems when you have them.

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