UNUTMAYIN: Bu quizlerde geçen bütün sorular tamamen özgündür ve buraya düzenli olarak yeni quizler eklenecektir. Eklenecek toplam quiz sayısı 8 dir.
Interactive English adjective and adverb patterns Quiz
Practice your gap-filling skills
Gerunds-infinitives quiz, verbs followed by ..
college online, bachelors degree, online education, graduate degree
Defining and non-defining relative clauses..
Practice your gap-filling skills
All quizzes are (upper)intermediate level
college online, bachelors degree, online education, graduate degree
Singular, plural verb, prononun agreement quiz
Practice your gap-filling skills
Interactive English Verb Tense Quiz
Practice your gap-filling skills
Interactive Online Modals Quiz-correct answers supplied..
Practice your gap-filling skills
All quizzes are (upper)intermediate level
college online, bachelors degree, online education, graduate degree
All types of conditionals -type 1, 2, 3, mixed- included
Practice your gap-filling skills.
All quizzes are (upper)intermediate level
Practice your gap-filling skills
Conjunctions, transitions, adverbials..
college online, bachelors degree, online degree program,online graduate degree
All quizzes are (upper)intermediate level
Practice your gap-filling skills
All quizzes are (upper)intermediate level
Practice your gap-filling skills