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Prepositions used in idioms
Below are examples of
idioms consisting of prepositional phrases. The following selection of idioms
emphasizes those used in North American English. The meaning of each idiom is
indicated after the colon.
At not
at all: not in any way at all
times: always at any rate:
whatever happens keep someone at arm's
length: avoid becoming closely involved with someone
at close quarters: very near
at one's disposal: to be used as one wishes
at a distance: not near at
fault: causing something wrong at
first: at the beginning see at a
glance: see immediately at
hand: near; readily available at
last: finally, after some delay at a
loss: uncertain what to do or say at the
mercy of: without defense against at the
moment: now at once:
immediately at present: now
at rest: not moving at
risk: threatened by danger or loss at short
notice: with little warning at
stake: to be won or lost at a
stretch: continuously at that
rate: under those circumstances at this
point: at this place; at this moment at the
wheel: in control
behind the scenes: (of persons) influencing events
secretly; (in a theater) behind the stage behind
schedule: not on time
Beside be beside
oneself: lose one's self-control beside the
point: irrelevant
read between the lines: deduce a meaning that is not
actually expressed
beyond help: unable to be helped
beyond a joke: too annoying to be amusing
beyond reproach: perfect; blameless
By by accident: not
deliberately by all means: by any possible
method bit by bit: gradually
by chance: by accident; without planning
by courtesy of: with the help or permission
of win by default: win because of lack of
competition by degrees: gradually
perform by ear: perform (music) by listening to the
sound, without referring to written music by
hand: without the use of machinery by
heart: from memory little by
little: gradually by means of:
by using by mistake: accidentally
by no means: not at all one
by one: one at a time by
oneself: alone side by side:
beside one another by the way: incidentally
(used to introduce an unrelated topic of conversation)
by word of mouth: orally
For once and for all:
for the last time (e.g. used when giving someone a final warning)
for certain: definitely; without doubt
for a change: for the sake of variety
for example: as an illustration
for fun: for the sake of enjoyment
for good: permanently for good
measure: in addition to the necessary amount
for instance: for example; as an illustration
for keeps: (colloquial) permanently
for a living: as a profession for
now: temporarily run for
office: compete for an elected position for
one thing: because of one reason (out of several)
for the sake of: for the benefit of; for the purpose
of for sale: intended to be sold
for sure: definitely (more colloquial than for
certain) food for thought: something
which makes one think play for time: delay
doing something in the hope that the situation will improve
for the time being: until some other arrangement is
made ask for trouble: act in a dangerous or
foolish way for a while: for a period of
time word for word: exactly as said or
from afar: from a distance from all
sides: from all directions from head to
foot: (of a person) completely; all over
from scratch: from the beginning
from time to time: occasionally
In in addition to: as
well as in advance: before
be in agreement with: have the same opinion as
in any case: whatever happens
in brief: in a few words in
bulk: (of goods) in large amounts; not in packages
be in charge of: have responsibility for
in common: shared by all members of a group
in control: having the power to direct something
in the course of: during in
danger: likely to be harmed in a
daze: unable to think clearly; confused in
debt: owing money in demand:
(of goods or persons) desired by many people in
depth: (investigate something) thoroughly
in detail: (explain something) thoroughly
in disgrace: regarded with disapproval because of having
done something wrong in the distance: far
away in doubt: uncertain
in duplicate: so that there are two identical copies (of a
document) in earnest: seriously; in a
determined way in effect: (of rules)
operating in the end: finally
in fact: in reality; really
in fashion: fashionable; accepted as being the most
desirable and up to date in favor of:
supporting (an idea) in flames: burning,
with visible flames in a flash: very
quickly; suddenly in full: without omitting
anything in general: usually; as a
whole hand in hand: (of persons) holding
hands; (of related situations) occurring together in a
hurry: trying to accomplish something quickly
in jest: as a joke in
kind: (payment) in goods rather than in money
in itself: without reference to anything else
in league with: (of persons) joined together with
(usually for a dishonest purpose) be in the
limelight: be the focus of attention; receive great
publicity in the long run: in the end;
eventually in the long term: looking ahead
to the distant future leave someone in
the lurch: abandon someone who is in a difficult
situation be in the minority: be in the
smaller of two groups in mint condition:
(of manufactured goods) perfect; brand-new in a
minute: soon in a moment:
soon; quickly set something in motion:
start something going nip something in the
bud: put an end to something before it gets properly
started in no time: very soon; very
quickly in order of: arranged according
to in order to: for the purpose
of in part: to some degree
in particular: especially in
power: (of a political party) holding office
in practice: able to do something well because of recent
practice; in reality (opposite of in theory) in
print: (of a book) printed and available from the
publisher in private: not in front of other
people in public: openly; not in
private in reality: really
in reserve: saved for later use in
retrospect: looking back over past events
in return for: as repayment for be
in the right: be correct in
season: (of fruit or vegetables) readily available at that time of
year in a second: soon; quickly
in short supply: scarce; not easily
obtainable in sight: able to be
seen in stock: (of goods at a store)
present and available in that case: if that
is true in theory: ideally; according to
theoretical considerations be in time: not
be late in touch with in: communication
with; informed about in triplicate: so that
there are three identical copies (of a document) be in
trouble: be in a difficult situation; be blamed or punished for
doing something wrong in tune: at the
correct pitch act in unison: act
together in vain: without success
in the vicinity of: near once
in a while: occasionally in words of
one syllable: (explain something) clearly and simply
in working order: able to function properly
in the wrong: responsible for an error; guilty
inside out: with the inner side out; thoroughly
Into paint oneself into a
corner: take a course of action which greatly narrows one's future
choices of action go into hiding: hide
oneself get into a rut: get into a fixed
and uninteresting way of life get into
trouble: get into a difficult situation; do something deserving
blame or punishment
Of of
course: certainly; as one would expect; as everyone knows
hard of hearing: somewhat deaf next
of kin: nearest relative or relatives
of one's own accord: voluntarily; on one's own
initiative of one's own free will:
voluntarily; by choice one's point of view:
one's opinion about something right of way:
public right to use a path or road; (of road traffic) right to proceed before
others rule of thumb: a simple way to
calculate what procedure to follow, based on extensive experience, rather than
on theoretical considerations
go off the air: (of radio or television) stop
broadcasting off duty: not engaged in one's
regular work off one's hands: no longer
one's responsibility off and on: from time
to time off the record: say something
privately, that is not to be officially recorded off the
track: following a wrong line of thought or action
On on account of:
because of be on the air: (of radio or
television) be in the process of broadcasting on the
alert: ready to act be on all
fours: (of a person) be on hands and knees
on the average: usually; normally on
behalf of: for; in the interests of on
board: on a ship or airplane on
business: as part of one's work on
condition that: only if; provided that on
demand: when asked for on
display: being exhibited on
duty: engaged in one's regular work
on fire: burning to go on
foot: to walk be on one's
guard: be alert and ready to meet an attack
on hand: available on
loan: lent and not yet returned shoot on
location: (of a movie) film in natural surroundings, not in a
studio on the lookout: watchful
put something on the map: cause something to become
well-known get on one's nerves: annoy;
irritate on no account: absolutely
not on the one hand: (used to introduce one
side of an argument) on one's own: alone;
without help act on one's own initiative:
act independently, without orders from anyone else on
order: requested but not yet delivered on
the other hand: (used to introduce a contrasting side of an
argument) act on principle: do something to
support a policy on purpose:
deliberately go on record: say something
which is to be officially recorded on sale:
being sold at a lower price than usual on
schedule: at the correct time; as planned or predicted
on second thoughts: after thinking further about
something on a shoestring: with a very
small amount of money be on the spot: be
where important events are taking place; be placed in an awkward
situation on the spur of the moment: on a
sudden impulse go off on a tangent: change
suddenly to a new line of thought or action on
time: at the correct time walk on
tiptoe: walk on the toes and balls of the feet
accept something on trust: accept something without
proof on the verge of: very close to; about
to on the whole: taking everything into
Out of out
of the blue: unexpectedly out of
breath: (after running) panting from a shortage of oxygen
out of character: unlike a person's known
character out of control: not able to be
regulated or guided out of danger:
safe out of date: no longer used;
old-fashioned; (of news) no longer true out
of debt: having paid one's debts be out
of one's depth: be unable to handle a situation because of lack
of experience out of doors: in the open
air; not in a building out of fashion: not
fashionable; not presently in common use out of
hand: not under control out of harm's
way: safe out of line with: in
disagreement with be out of one's mind: be
insane out of order: not functioning
properly; (at a formal meeting) not behaving according to the rules
out of the ordinary: unusual out
of place: unsuitable out of
practice: unable to do something as well as one has in past,
because of lack of recent practice out of
print: (of a book) no longer available from the publisher
out of proportion: too big or too small; not having
the appropriate relationship to something out of the
question: impossible; not to be considered out
of season: (of fruit or vegetables) not readily available at
that time of year out of shape: (of
persons) not in top condition because of lack of exercise
out of sight: hidden, not able to be seen
out of stock: (of goods at a store) temporarily
unavailable out of style: not
fashionable out of touch: with not in
communication with; not informed about out of
town: having temporarily left town out of
trouble: not in trouble out of
tune: not at the correct pitch out of
work: no longer having employment
To to all intents and
purposes: in all important ways to a
certain extent: partly to
date: so far; until now up to
date: current; modern see eye to eye
with: agree entirely with take something to
heart: be much affected by something made
to measure: exactly suitable; (of clothes) made for a
certain person keep something to oneself:
not tell anyone to the point: relevant
under age: below the age of being legally permitted to do
something be under arrest: be held prisoner
and charged with wrongdoing under the auspices
of: with the patronage of; supported by
under one's breath: in a whisper
under the circumstances: because this is true
under consideration: being thought about
under control: able to be regulated or
guided under cover of: protected by;
undetected because of under fire: being
shot at; being criticized under the impression
that: having the idea that be under the
influence of: be affected by be under
oath: have sworn to tell the truth under
observation: being watched carefully under
restraint: prevented from doing something
Up have something up one's
sleeve: have a secret idea or plan in reserve
With with impunity:
without risk of injury or punishment with the naked
eye: without using a magnifying lens with
no strings attached: (of help given) with no conditions; to be used
freely take with a pinch of salt: not
believe completely with regard to:
concerning; about with respect to:
concerning; about tarred with the same
brush: having the same faults with a
vengeance: very much; more than usual
Within within limits:
to a certain extent; not too much within living
memory: within the memory of people now alive
Without go without
saying: be obvious
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