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Haftanin Rehber Sözü :
"It is a rough road that leads to the heights of greatness."
-- Seneca
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Soruları dikkatle inceleyip dogru cevabi bulunuz.
butonunu tıklayıp çözümü görebilirsiniz.
(I) The acts of a single man are as a rule unimportant nowadays. (II) But the acts of groups are more important than they used to be. (III) If one man refuses to work, that is his own affair. (IV) After all, everyone stops working when he retires. (V) But if there is a strike in a vital industry, the whole community suffers.
1. Yukaridaki cümlelerden hangisi paragrafin anlam bütünlügünü bozar?
a) I
b) II
c) III
d) IV
e) V
(I) Actually London dates back to Roman times. (II) Greater London, with its nine miIIion population, includes the City and the County of London. (III) It also includes the outer suburbs and much land that looks more urban than rural. (IV) There are no definite boundaries, but it covers an area of some twenty miles radius from Oxford Circus (V) It is surrounded by a " a green belt" and here it is forbidden to build.
2. Yukaridaki cümlelerden hangisi paragrafin anlam bütünlügünü bozar?
a) I
b) II
c) III
d) IV
e) V
(I) A thick layer of snow on a steep slope is always liable to avalanche. (II) A lot of avalanches occur in the Alps. (III) A very small disturbance may set it in motion. (IV) The vibrations caused by a passing train are sufficient. (V) Once in motion it gains in speed and crushes everything in its path.
3. Yukaridaki cümlelerden hangisi paragrafin anlam bütünlügünü bozar?
a) I
b) II
c) III
d) IV
e) V
(I) At the end of 1974, the prospects of the country were far from rosy. (II) To start with, the rate of inflation was steadily going up. (III) It only dropped temporarily in July and August. (IV) So were the unemployment figures. (V) And the cold winter served to aggravate all the problems.
4. Yukaridaki cümlelerden hangisi paragrafin anlam bütünlügünü bozar?
a) I
b) II
c) III
d) IV
e) V
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