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Haftanin Rehber Sözü :
"It is a rough road that leads to the heights of greatness."
-- Seneca
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Bosluklari uygun fille doldurun. Fiillerin zaman çekimini unutmayin.
bring - take - fetch - get
1. Can you
me to the supermarket to do some shopping?
2. Will you please
that pack on the top shelf?
3. Orhan always
flowers to his wife on her birthday.
4. An old lady has wanted the shop assistant to
the boxes to the car.
leave - desert - vacate - evacuate - escape - abandon
5. A top prisoner was able to
from a high security prison.
6. Mary had been complaining about her car when she finally
7. A soldier mustn't
his post when he is on duty.
8. As he was treated cruelly, Joe decided to
his family.
9. The bomb experts
the area urgently in case it might explode.
10. Linda's parents want her to
her current job, but she rejects.
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