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İngilizce Kelime Quizleri
Bosluklari uygun fille doldurun. Fiillerin zaman çekimini unutmayin.

announce - inform - confess - reveal - publish

1. When they to the robbery, the thieves were sent to prison.

2. The politican did not his source as it was top-secret.

3. The author plans to a new book on English grammar.

4. Mr. Smith, our boss, that there would be no pay rise in six months.

5. If you happen to need some money, do not hesitate to me of your situation.

say - speak - tell - talk - discuss

6. During a course, the students shouldn't interrupt the teacher while he is .

7. We were the problem so that we can reach a concensus.

8. Do not make noise, I want to hear what the professor is .

9. We were all astonished to see her four languages.

10. My friend, Sue me that she would never marry a Chineese.

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