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Haftanin Rehber Sözü :
"It is a rough road that leads to the heights of greatness."
-- Seneca
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Bosluklari uygun fille doldurun. Fiillerin zaman çekimini unutmayin.
accompany - assemble - enclose - include - involve - connect - relate
1. The boy
the little child while passing across the road.
2. You can
your mobile phone to the computer via a cable.
3. The bill covers drinks, it also
4. I have
my English certificate along with my application form.
5. The manager has
the failure to his partner's indefference.
6. The workers
in the conference hall for the weekly relaxation therapy.
7. I am not eager to
in your fight.
pursue - chase - follow
8. A nice, white cat
me home and I decided to keep it.
9. The police had been
Jim for two years when they finally arrested him.
10. When my brother ran down the hill, I started to
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