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"It is a rough road that leads to the heights of greatness." -- Seneca
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İngilizce Gramer
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Yarısı verilen cümleyi gramer ve anlamca en uygun ifadeyle tamamlayın.

1) ..................................., though she carefully kept it from me.

A. I'm surprised to hear about the problems she faced there
B. I've tried to make my daughter talk to me
C. I was expecting her to tell me all her secrets
D. Kim tells me almost everything that happens at school
E. She mentioned to Roberta about her new boyfriend

2) ..................................., which has a wonderful view of the harbour

A. The restaurant on Galata Tower serves specialities of Turkish cuisine
B. My friend, Jason, lived in the same house for more than ten years
C. I'll show you Molly's new car as we drive past it on our way home
D. Whenever I have a little time, I love climbing up Shooter Hill
E. Most of the flats in this block are a little cold as they face north

3) Despite abundant rain throughout the winter, .....................................

A. the city is still suffering from a shortage of water this summer
B. when there were severe floods destroying a large part of the region
C. the local fruit growers no longer complain about the drought
D. it was after a long period, without a drop of rain for many months
E. irrigation is only necessary for a few farms where they grow vegetables

4) Are you aware that we will have been waiting here for four straight hours
........................... ?

A. if we had toured around the city instead of coming here so early
B. what time exactly is the plane going to take off
C. since they last made an announcement about the fate of our flight
D. as soon as they arrived in Spain at 3p.m
E. by the time the plane leaves at eight, after a two-hour delay

5) ................................., Barbara was appointed to district manager.

A. Unless she displayed considerable talent in her job
B. Due to her dedication to her work
C. As she has just been promised by the director
D. No wonder she just couldn't believe her eyes
E. In spite of her managerial skills she gained at university

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